Langley Rod and Gun Club
"Serving Shooting Sports since 1946"


22 Nov 2022 9:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Firearm News - Updated March 22 2022


In the meantime - the government is spending millions trying to get a plan together to do what they illegitimately call a "mandatory buyback", which is now projected to cost multiple BILLIONS of $$$, that would be better spent on policing and border security!!  (This is simply a case of - blame the tool - not the user to grab political gain. The government is using public ignorance and bold-faced lies to "pretend" to solve a criminal/gang problem by going after legal firearm owners in order to acquire votes.)  

Their problem is that no one educated about the actually gun crime issue (not the police, nor the military, nor gun-shop owners, etc.) wants anything to do with the "confiscation" of these legally-owned firearms since they do not agree with the underlying premise that this tyrannical OIC (which is a total waste of taxpayer $$$)  will have any effect on public safety - i.e. the fact-proven false-narrative that the Liberal government continues to feed to the unknowing public via mainstream-media propaganda ads and ignorant political speeches by Trudeau and the new Public Safety Minister! 

If you want to support the efforts to stop this solely "politically-motivated" and dictatorial confiscation of personal property, please join the CCFR, CSSA, and/or NFA and give generously to the legal fights directed towards taking away our rights to NOT have our personal property CONFISCATED for political reasons. 

Please read and watch the videos at the links provided below. This fight is not over and we need all firearm owners to do their part to help save our firearms! 
Clearly if the government gets these identified hunting and sporting firearms -
they will be back for all the rest as well! 

If yours aren't on the list now (they may be already as the RCMP keeps adding firearms without proper oversight - check the list at the link below) they will likely be soon as the Public Safety Minister is again already stating that another OIC is likely to come very soon, identifying even MORE restricted and unrestricted hunting and sporting firearms! 

Have you been following the CCFR's efforts on your behalf to counter the Liberal and RCMP Initiatives to BAN your legally-acquired firearms? 

If not, you should be! It is your property - and if they have not gotten to your firearms specifically - it won't be long until they do! They are already banning shotguns, hunting rifles and even simple 22 cal sporting rifles - as the types on the prohibited list which were added after May 1 were numerous (updated continuously with last update in Dec 2021 - see link: This prohibited list continues to grow without oversight of any kind.  There is still also the unresolved question if the government intends on ANY compensation for these firearms as the government is showing little interest in resolving this question before the two year amnesty period is up on April 30 2022)! 

Any of your firearms could be on the list (see list) - making you an immediate criminal (as the 2 year amnesty promised by the Liberals does not apply to owners of these added firearms) - and you would not necessarily know it as many were unrestricted previously! (A current CSSA legal opinion is that nearly all 12 gauge removable choked firearms are still currently prohibited based on the current legal definition as stated in the OIC!)   

Information on the RCMP website and statements (mostly lies) by the Public Safety Minister have changed repeatedly without notice - and without discussion or reason, usually to the deficit of the licensed firearm owner. It is difficult to trust that any statements made (written or verbal) will not change or disappear if the Liberals want them to - so confidence is low with respect to our expectation of government fairness wrt our property or person. The RCMP and Minister Blair (and now the new Minister) have been provided with dictatorial powers by Trudeau's Liberals with the goal of removing all firearms from civilians in the long term. This is evidenced by the types of firearms being listed for prohibition - which has continued to increase after May 1st without legitimate criteria other than to virtue signal to obtain the votes of the uneducated public. 

Note that the Liberals have started initiating the content of Bill C71 (which will affect firearm storage and transport requirements) while they are currently trying to push through C21 and C22 which will harass handgun and air-soft pistol owners (C21) while giving reduced sentences to criminals charged with gun crimes (C22). While these bills were killed by the Oct 2021 election process - expect to see them brought forward again in the future. 

Check out the excellent videos, podcasts and other educational materials created by the CCFR available at: CCFR YouTube Channel.  You can also obtain updates to the CCFR/Government legal fight on your behalf and other information at this link. 

Here are the YouTube links to the excellent series "Gun Ban Canada - Exposed" which highlight the details of these Liberal initiatives which were falsely promoted as to "enhance public safety", and expose the lies told by the Liberal government which are being used to justify their irresponsible action on May 1, 2020 and beyond to the uninformed Canadian.  It is OUR/YOUR JOB as a firearm owner to share these videos with these uninformed Canadians to educate them. These videos will reveal to them the fallacy being thrust upon all Canadians by this Liberal government. Please do your part!

Currently it is planned that the CCFR will create a seven part series, of which six are currently available at the links below:  

1) Gun Ban Canada - Exposed; Episode 1 - Is It Really About Public Safety?

2) Gun Ban Canada - Exposed; Episode 2 - Where Do Crime Guns Come From?

3) Gun Ban Canada - Exposed; Episode 3 - Do More Guns Equal More Death?

4) Gun Ban Canada - Exposed; Episode 4 - Common Sense Gun Laws

5) Gun Ban Canada - Exposed; Episode 5 - Why Would Anyone Need a Gun?

6) Gun Ban Canada - Exposed; Episode 6 - Our System is Broken

7) Gun Ban Canada - Exposed: Episode 7 - Series Finale

The CCFR is working hard to support you as a responsible firearm owner whom the Liberal government is demonizing. If you are not currently a member - please join, and also support the legal action by donating NOW!.  Go to the CCFR website to signup or donate: CCFR Website

  Copyright © 2015 Langley Rod and Gun Club                                          


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